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It's time to get unstuck

Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed?

Like your ADHD is hijacking your mind, relationships and career?

Maybe your home too?

If ADHD is overtaking your life...

You're in the right place

The Rut Reset is a month-long program with course content, live Q & A sessions with specialists, and a supportive community of adults learning together.

As a program participant, you will be a beta tester. The benefit to you is that you have a hugely discounted price. The benefit to the course creator is receiving your raw and honest feedback in order to refine and improve the program.

The Rut Reset includes:


Cohort members will be invited to an exclusive Facebook group to connect and share resources. We are stronger together!

Course Content

Each week, a new module of lessons will be shared with you on the course platform. Lessons have a 7 minute max, phew!


In live weekly sessions, you will be able to ask experts questions about juicy topics such as decluttering and organization.

Want to know something wild?

We'll pay you to succeed

When you complete The Rut Reset program, we'll send you a $25 Amazon or Etsy gift card (your choice!) so you can celebrate and treat yourself to a reward. You're investing in yourself, and we're investing in your success!

Meet Coach Kate

Kate Romanov M.Ed. works as a Social Emotional Learning Specialist and is a nationally certified Health Education Specialist. She loves helping adults and children improve their self regulation, executive function and relationship skills. She'll be leading the course. As a fellow ADHDer, Kate is excited to guide you on your journey to feeling and functioning your best!

Without further ado...

Meet Your Live Presenters

Rachel Williams

Rachel is a compassionate and collaborative psychotherapist who supports her clients in uncovering their innate emotional resilience and capacity for healing. She helps individuals process childhood traumas and work through anxiety, depression and self-criticism/self-doubt. Rachel also loves working with multicultural/interracial couples. She once worked at Google and now loves helping people through her private practice.

Alyssa Tennant

Alyssa is an empowerment coach who helps smart, successful individuals who are tired of feeling tired end the cycle of burnout for good by teaching them how to nourish themselves with pleasure, transform the underlying patterns that cause burnout and take radical responsibility for their lives. As an ex-Googler as well, she knows just how real burnout can be. When not working, Alyssa enjoys time with her fiance and their dog in Berkeley, California.

Rebecca Mezzino

Rebecca is a Declutter Coach with ADHD-I who has been helping people gain control over their belongings for over 15 years. One of Australia’s most experienced organisers, featured on TV, radio and in national publications, she specalises in helping individuals and families with complex needs due to neurodiversity and disability.

Brianna Rivers

Brianna is a K-5 Special Education Teacher with a masters degree in behavior analysis. She enjoys nerding out on the latest behavior research and analyzing goal/performance data. She is currently studying for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst exam. She lives with her husband on the North Oregon Coast and loves being of service to others.

Symptoms Before

Paralyzed by feeling overwhelmed

Drowning at work

Struggling in relationships

Feeling out of control

Unable to self-motivate

Losing track of things & time

Can't seem to get/stay organized

Unsure how to plan and prioritize

Wishing life could feel better...

Skills After

Understanding of ADHD

Clarity on strengths & struggles

Strategies for time management

Systems for clutter management

Structures for project prioritization

Tools for personal communication

Tips for professional life decisions

Positive mindset and self-talk

Framework for healthy habits

All content and coaching provided by The ADHD Way is intended for educational purposes, and is not a substitute for professional medical care. Consult with your doctor for clinical ADHD and comorbidity treatment plans.

Alexia M.

"I learned that if I really put forth effort, then I CAN work with my ADHD and make it things go smoothly. It’s not easy but it’s possible. I just have to be intentional." 

Kate G.

"Things ARE looking up. Thank you so much for doing this - not just for me, but for others who are struggling. You've brought some of us together to support and encourage one another, and it's very assuring to know I'm not alone."

Kate G.

"Things ARE looking up. Thank you so much for doing this - not just for me, but for others who are struggling. You've brought some of us together to support and encourage one another, and it's very assuring to know I'm not alone." 

Nadia Marie

"I think being on time has been such a difficult part of my life, not only because of my ADHD but also my general lack of time management skills. I tried your morning breakdown and found that when I start timers and stick to it, I'm actually able to be on time! It was nice to learn that if I use the proper layout, I can stay on track!" 

Our Promise of 7s

Find it hard to stay focused?

We get it! Our lessons have a 7 minute max.

Enrolled for up to 7 days & not feeling it?

We've got your back and will fully refund you.

Save 90% of the full program cost by being a beta tester!

Registration ends Monday, August 10th at noon PST:






© The ADHD Way 2020